News & Notes
ELD’s – A New ERA In Trucking
The Federal Government’s long-awaited mandate of Electronic Logging Devices is here (December 18, 2017) !!! The ELD Rule limits how Driver Hours of Service limits are enforced. Since the ELD took place, Freight Hauling Capacity has tightened considerably already. Industry experts predict by April 1st, the date the DOT will start putting Carriers without compliance “Out of Service”, the result of lost capacity in an already tight market will be 7-15% !! The Carriers and Drivers will no longer be able to “fudge” their log books, thus spending less time on the road. The average Independent Driver will lose, on average, a day’s pay per week. As a result, the spot market has and will continue to increase by 10-20%. Some small Independents are selling their equipment and leaving the industry already. The reason for this implementation is Safety driven and reduction of fatalities. Stay tuned for updates or call Moe-Mentum Transportation if you have any questions or concerns !!

Ethics in Transportation Course
Moe-Mentum Transportation Inc, the Leader in Third Party Logistics based in New England announced all employees will be participating in the Ethics in Transportation Course. The meaning of “Ethics” in the Brokerage Industry is hard to pin down and harder still to define with any precision. TIA has developed the only course based on current ethical issues specifically impacting the industry. Developed by Dr John Drea, this online course covers current ethical issues impacting transportation and is based on a new book, Ethics in Transportation Brokerage, (Drea/Drea) and TIA watch dog ethics cases.